• Internships

How to Write About Volunteering in Your CV

Article by GVI


Posted: February 26, 2023

Writing about your volunteer experience is an important part of creating a comprehensive CV. Not only does it allow you to highlight the skills and knowledge you have gained through volunteering, but it can also give hiring managers an insight into your personality and contributions to the community. Here, we will discuss the reasons to include volunteering experience in your CV, the benefits it can bring, and the best way to format and describe volunteer experience on your CV.

Reasons to Include Volunteering Experience in Your CV

Volunteering is more than just an altruistic act – it can also be a great way to gain skills and experience. By adding volunteer experience to your CV, you show employers that you are able to achieve great things and demonstrate dedication, even outside of the traditional workplace. It can also be a great way to meet new people, learn new skills, and develop networks in your field of interest.

Volunteer experience can also be a great way to demonstrate your commitment to a cause or organisation. Employers may be impressed by your dedication to a cause and may be more likely to hire you if they know that you are passionate about something. Additionally, volunteering can help you gain valuable experience in a field that you may not have had the opportunity to explore otherwise. This can be especially beneficial if you are looking to transition into a new career.

Benefits of Volunteering for Your Career

Volunteering can be an invaluable addition to your CV because it shows potential employers that you have taken the initiative to gain experience outside of the traditional workplace. It demonstrates leadership skills, problem-solving abilities, and a willingness to learn and contribute. Additionally, some volunteering roles can be related to the job you are applying for, which can help you stand out from the crowd. For example, if you are applying for a role in marketing, mentioning your volunteer experience with a charity project could show employers that you have experience in promoting and managing initiatives.

Volunteering can also help you to develop new skills and gain experience in areas that you may not have had the opportunity to explore in the workplace. For example, if you are looking to develop your communication skills, you could volunteer with a local charity to help them with their marketing efforts. This could give you the opportunity to practice your communication skills in a real-world setting, and gain valuable experience that could be beneficial for your career.

Tips for Writing About Volunteering in Your CV

When writing about volunteering in your CV, make sure you focus on the skills and experiences you gained during your volunteering roles. Describe how you contributed to the organisation or project, what skills you developed, what challenges you faced and overcame, and the results that were achieved. Use keywords that are related to the job you are applying for, such as “team leader”, “fundraising” or “event management”.

Formatting Guidelines for Listing Volunteer Experience

Volunteer experience should be listed as its own section in your CV. Include the organisation or project name, the dates of your volunteer role, and a brief description of the role. You should also list any special projects or tasks that you were involved in. This can include coordinating events, developing marketing campaigns, fundraising activities or managing teams.

Keywords to Use When Writing About Volunteering

When describing your volunteer experience on your CV, use language that is relevant to the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a role in customer service, use phrases such as “interacting with customers”, “problem-solving”, and “dealing with complaints”. If you are applying for a role in finance, use phrases such as “financial reporting”, “auditing”, and “budgeting”. Try to avoid generic phrases such as “helping out” or “contributing”.

Examples of How to Describe Volunteer Experience on a CV

If you are unsure of how to describe your volunteer experience on your CV, here are some examples to help get you started:

  • Volunteered at ABC Charity as an event coordinator from February 2020 to May 2020. Managed team of 10 volunteers and raised $10,000 in donations through successful fundraising event.
  • Volunteered at XYZ Community Centre from June 2022 to August 2022. Developed and implemented marketing strategies aimed at increasing awareness of center’s programs and activities.
  • Volunteered at LMN organisation from June 2021 to August 2021. Provided administrative support, such as scheduling meetings and organising materials.

Benefits of Highlighting Volunteer Work to Employers

Highlighting your volunteer work on your CV can be beneficial to potential employers because it shows them that you are a compassionate and dedicated person who is willing to go above and beyond. It also shows that you have taken initiative and can take on responsibility outside of the workplace. Additionally, employers may be impressed by the fact that you took time out of your day to help others without expecting anything in return.

How to Mention Relevant Skills Gained Through Volunteering

When writing about volunteering experience in your CV, make sure to include any relevant skills you have gained through the experience. For example, if you volunteered at an organisation that focuses on customer service, make sure to mention any customer service skills you have developed during your role. Similarly, if you volunteered at an organisation that focuses on marketing, make sure to mention any marketing or promotional skills you have gained.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing About Volunteering

When describing your volunteer experience on your CV, it is important to avoid making some common mistakes. Firstly, avoid generic descriptions such as “I helped out” or “I contributed”. Instead, focus on the specific tasks that you did and the results achieved. Secondly, avoid focusing too much on the organisation itself rather than the skills you have gained during your role. Finally, avoid exaggerating or embellishing your volunteer experience – be honest and accurate in your descriptions.

Writing about volunteering experience in your CV is an important part of creating a comprehensive and impressive CV. By taking the time to highlight your volunteer work, you can show potential employers that you are a dedicated and compassionate person who takes initiative and can take on responsibility outside of the workplace. Following the tips outlined in this article will help ensure that your volunteer experience is accurately described and properly formatted on your CV.

Volunteer with GVI’s Worldwide Programs!

Volunteering with GVI can be a fantastic experience that provides both personal and professional benefits. Whether you’re interested in healthcare, wildlife conservation, education or sustainable development, volunteering with GVI can give you practical work experience that looks great on your CV. Plus, it’s a great way to network with other volunteers and professionals.

And the best part? GVI is all over the world, so you can choose where you want to volunteer. Whether you’re looking for a project in Africa, Asia, Europe, or Latin America, there’s something for everyone. So, if you’re looking for a rewarding experience that can help you grow personally and professionally, volunteering with GVI might just be perfect for you.

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